We are excited to announce that giving to Alfred Almond Bible Church is about to become easier and more convenient than ever!
We are officially moving from EasyTithe to Tithely Giving.
Tithely Giving is an easy-to-use platform that will allow you to give online and on your phone. You can make both one-time and recurring gifts, give with a credit/debit card or ACH transaction, and even Cover the Fees (which will help your gift go even farther!)
Here’s how to get started with Tithely.
Note: If you’ve got recurring gifts set up with EasyTithe, make sure to cancel any recurring payments before moving forward with Tithely! You can click this link to login to EasyTithe and cancel your recurring payments.
Option 1: Give on Our Website.
Click on this link aabible.org/give to access a Giving Form on our church website.
Click on which fund you would like to give to: Alfred Almond Bible Church (General Fund), Missions Fund, Building Fund, or People Helping People Fund. For those who would like to provide recurring gifts to Bryan Schoeffler, after clicking on Missions Fund, a menu option is available to designate gifts for his ministry.
Once the page has redirected you to Tithe.ly, click on ‘Sign-Up.’
Create account by entering your name and email; it will prompt you to make up a secure password and a 4-digit pin code.
You can enter a giving transaction using either a credit card/debit card or your banking information. After your first time giving, it will save your payment information.
You can submit a one-time payment or a recurring gift that will automate your regular giving. Please note if you wish to have recurring gifts to the general fund and missions fund, ect, you will need to set these up individually.
Option 2: Give on the Tithley App.
Download the Tithely App from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android). Once you've downloaded the app, select your church and follow the steps listed below (for using a Giving Form).
Since this is your first time giving with Tithely, you will be prompted to create an account that you can use for all future gifts.
The first time, you will also need to add your credit/debit card or ACH/banking info.
Once your account has been created, you won’t need to enter your personal or payment information. Just enter your PIN and give!
Tithely also has articles that you may find useful. Click here to read more.
Thank you for your generosity. Your financial partnership helps to build the Kingdom of God in our community–and world.