Adult Ministries

Men's Discipleship
One small way we seek to encourage and equip men is through scheduled meetings of faith, food & fellowship coupled with Bible study, prayer, and spiritual encouragement. The goals of these Saturday Morning meetings are:
Prayer & learning to bear one another's burdens
Christian friendship, brotherhood, and accountability
Challenging each other to grow spiritually, mentally, and socially
Learning how God wants to use us (as a group & individually) to make our church stronger and bring glory to Him!
Of course, you don't have to be the perfect, Godly man to join us. Rather than being men of perfection, we are striving to be men who are headed in the right direction, following Jesus, the perfect man. We believe that men should constantly build each other up, teach and discipline each other, and most importantly, come together to glorify our Lord.
During this time, we build new friendships and make existing ones stronger. Feel free to join us!
Locations & Times:
Saturdays at 7:30 AM - South Wing of the church building
Saturdays at 7:30 AM - Mike Stuart's home in Alfred (rotating occasionally)
Sundays at 8:30 AM - Meets at church before the worship service
For more information contact the church office.